Search Results for : network player

Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) – An Introduction Uninterruptible Power Supply or UPS. The questions are what are they, where are they used, do I need one or more and what type? What Are They? The function of a UPS is to mask or remove any changes to your AC supply […]

Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) – An Introduction

Denons 110th Anniversary Range
Denons 110th Anniversary Range Images Credit: Denon Denon is marking its 110th birthday with a quartet of special edition products that combined make up a complete audiophile home component system. Each of these new products are manufactured at the Denon factory in Shirakawa, Japan and undergo an extended quality assurance […]

Denons 110th Anniversary Range

Oppo HDR10plus and DV Passthrough Official Firmware Release 6
Oppo HDR10+ and DV Passthrough Official Firmware Release               Latest Firmware Update Oppo have just released the official version of the public Beta test software that added support for; HDR10+ Dolby Vision pass through for the external HDMI input Release Date: February 8, 2019 […]

Oppo HDR10plus and DV Passthrough Official Firmware Release

High Resolution and Master Quality Authenticated Audio - MQA
MQA Hi Res Audio – Streamings Holy Grail Introduction There are now enough articles, streaming services and CD’s that I thought that I would re-visit MQA encoding, particularly after several e-mail exchanges with David Elias, a Hawaii based Acoustic Music writer, producer and studio owner. David writes, produces and records […]

MQA Hi Res Audio – Streamings Holy Grail

Amplifier Classes-A Quick Primer Course                   Introduction So, we all need them, what are they? They, are amplifiers. They come in two different basic types for audio: Voltage amplifier: Head amplifier for very low level signals found in moving coil cartridges – […]

Amplifier Classes-A Quick Primer Course

Integra DRX-R1.1 and DRC-R1.1 11.2-Channel Atmos AV Receivers 1
Integra DRX-R1.1 and DRC-R1.1 11.2-Channel Atmos AV Receivers Introduction After building all my preamps and power amplifiers for decades, I was finally seduced by Onkyo Integra way back in the 80’s when I purchased my first stereo pre/power amplifier, an Onkyo Integra A-8190. Integra was founded as a sub-division of […]

Integra DRX-R1.1 and DRC-R1.1 11.2-Channel Atmos AV Receivers

Cabling and Grounding for Audio, Video, Speakers and Power. Part 1
Cabling and Grounding for Audio, Video, Speakers and Power. Part 1                   My point of view based on 40 years of professional experience in both the Audio and Video industries. Before I launch into what must be one of the most hotly […]

Cabling and Grounding for Audio, Video, Speakers and Power. Part 1