Linn Sondek LP12-50 Turntable – First Look 2

Linn Sondek LP12-50 Turntable – First Look

Linn Sondek LP12-50 Turntable - First Look

All Image Credit: Linn

Linn is world renown for its turntables, in particular the LP12. This new Linn Sondek LP12-50 marks the fiftieth anniversary of one the most iconic products in HiFi history. This latest limited edition turntable was designed with the creative collective of LoveFrom, a new company headed up by Sir Jony Ive, who is probably best known as the Chief Design Officer of over 20 years at Apple, where he created many of their earlier iconic products. His new venture, LoveFrom describes itself as; “a creative collective. We are designers, architects, musicians, filmmakers, writers, engineers, and artists”.

Linn Sondek LP12-50 Turntable - First Look

Linn claims that this latest iteration of the LP12 produces the best vinyl playback Linn has ever achieved. The sonic improvement comes from Linn’s all-new Bedrok plinth technology that is used to form orthogonal layers of beech placed under extreme pressure to create an entirely new, solid and substantial material. The plinth is then machined out of a solid block of this ultra-dense wood that Linn says has; ‘negligible resonance and offers a superior isolating housing for the turntable’s mechanism’.

LoveFrom’s design expertise has been employed to create a distinctive minimalist classic new spin on the original design by adding various key visual and tactile interfaces including; the new precision-machined power/speed control button, hinges and overall aesthetics.

Key features:

  • All-new, pressure-formed Bedrok™️ plinth technology
  • Machined aluminum power/speed control button and hinges
  • Aluminum plaque with individual numbering and name of builder
  • Space grey aluminum base
  • Available in either natural wood or painted white finish
  • Space grey anodized arm board with Sondek LP12-50 model name

According to Linn;” The combination of performance, usability, and aesthetic improvements result in an historic piece with unrivaled sonic quality and beauty. Only 250 of these limited edition Sondek LP12-50s will ever be produced – with each bearing an embossed aluminum plaque celebrating this landmark collaboration with individual numbering.”


Turntables will be shipped to your pre-assigned Linn specialist between August 2023 and March 2024.

MSRP (from):

  • US: $60,000
  • UK: £50,000
  • EU: €59,500

Editors Note: This revised design costs almost twice the cost of the current top-end Klimax LP12. I just wonder, will it really sound that much better, or any better, in your system? However, I am sure that its recognition will go far beyond the high-end audio world and many Linn fanatics and well-to-do’s will be rushing to place an order!

For more information visit the UK Linn website.

For more information on LoveFrom see

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2 thoughts on “Linn Sondek LP12-50 Turntable – First Look

  • Jerry

    Does Linn “limit” this edition to 250 or do they “hope” they sell 250? How many companies are manufacturing $50,000+ turntables anyway? It seems like a lot. 25? 50? 100?. Would love to know how many $50,000+ turntable are sold per year. It’s astonishing (to me) there is such a market. I wonder where the greatest demand is. Japan? Germany? Sweden? US?

    • fromvinyltoplastic Post author

      Hi Jerry,
      Yes, they limit the manufacturing to 250. I assume that they believe that they can sell that many and to be honest, I am sure there are enough well off Linn Sondek users out there to sell them all. There are turntables that cost even more, like the MAG1, Thorens Reference, Grandioso T1, SME Model 60 and TechDAS Airforce. Clearly there are enough wealthy audiophiles worldwide, to support all these manufacturers and more. As to where the biggest demand is, is anybody’s guess.
      I would just be happy owning a Linn Majik LP12.
      Thanks for popping by.