Klaudio MAG 1 Magnezar Turntable – Quick Look 2

Klaudio MAG 1 Magnezar Turntable – Quick Look

Klaudio MAG 1 Magnezar Turntable - Quick Look

All Image Credit: Klaudio

For those not familiar with this company, a little background. Klaudio was founded in 2012 and is a designer of audio equipment. It was created from parent company Koolance, a leading manufacturer of liquid cooling equipment since 2000. Klaudio has developed various high-quality innovative audio products by utilizing Koolance’s capabilities in electronics and liquid handling. Some of the companies previous products include; the KD-CLN-LP200T ultrasonic record cleaner and the KD-ARM-AP12 tangential tonearm.

Klaudio MAG 1 Magnezar Turntable - Quick Look

Klaudio Tangential Pivoting Arm

This latest turntable design features; a magnetically levitated platter that floats entirely on magnets removing the need for a mechanical thrust bearing, an ultra-quiet direct-drive motor, enhanced liquid stabilization, automatic spindle and peripheral clamping, aluminum construction, a dual tonearm support that includes the Klaudio tangential tonearm and laser pod and adjustable platter speeds of 33, 45, and 78rpm.

Features At A Glance:

  • Magnetically levitated platter
  • Ultra quiet direct drive motor
  • Enhanced liquid stabilization and lighting
  • Automatic spindle and peripheral clamping
  • Dual tonearm support, including Klaudio tangential tonearm and laser pod
  • Adjustable platter speed: 33, 45, & 78rpm
  • Aluminum construction


  • Wow and Flutter: 0.015% max.
  • Speed Accuracy: ~0.01%
  • Motor Torque: 5 Nm/sec
  • Total Weight: 121lbs (55kg)
  • Size: 16.3×22.6x11in (415x575x280mm)
  • Platter Weight: 44lbs (20kg)
  • Platter Size: 14.4×4.1in (365x105mm)


October 2023


  • US: $80,000.00
  • UK: £60,672.00
  • EU: €68,832.00

Special Launch Promotion:

Customers who pre-order and place their deposit before July 26, 2023 will receive a complementary Klaudio pivoting tangential tonearm with mount and laser pod, a $20,000 value.

For more information visit the Klaudio web site.

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