Amplifier Classes-A Quick Primer Course

Leak TL50Plus Valve Power Amplifier

Radford ZD22 Transistor Voltage Pre-Amplifier

Quad 405 Transistor Power Amplifier
So, we all need them, what are they? They, are amplifiers. They come in two different basic types for audio:
- Voltage amplifier:
- Head amplifier for very low level signals found in moving coil cartridges – typical input voltage 0.001 volts, amplification x25
- Phono Amplifier for low level signals found in moving magnet and variable reluctance cartridges – typical input voltage 0.005 volts, amplification x25
- Pre-amplifier for line level CD and DVD players and lower level microphones – typical input voltage CD/DVD 0.1 volt, microphone 0.01 volts – amplification x100
- Power amplifier. – typical input level 1.0 volt, amplification x30.
Both types increase or amplify the level of the signal voltage coming from the source, such as a DVD/CD player, phono cartridge, microphone etc. With the voltage amplifiers generally having a significantly higher voltage amplification (up to x1000) than the power amplifier (up to x100). The audio power amplifier however, is specifically designed to provide large amounts of current (amps) to drive speakers.

Typical Audio Amplifier Signal Chain
The first two types of voltage amplifier are specific to cartridges and shall not be discussed any further. See here for technical information and full circuitry details for the Lentek moving coil head pre-amplifier.
Common Amplifier Classes.
There are many classes of amplifier to include:
- Class A
- Class B
- Class AB
- Class C
- Class D
- Class E
- Class F
- Class G
- Class H
- Class I
- Class S
- Class T
Amplifier classes define the amount of output signal which varies within the amplifier circuit, over one cycle (360 degrees) of an incoming sinusoidal signal. The classification of amplifiers range from entirely linear with very low efficiency, to entirely non-linear with a much higher efficiency.
These classes are split between two basic groups. The first are the original more common amplifier classes of A, B, AB and C, which are defined by the length of their conduction state over some portion of the output waveform, such that the device operates somewhere between being “fully-ON” and “fully-OFF”. Classes G&H define techniques used to control the power supplies that feed Class A and Class AB.
The second set are the newer ‘switching’ amplifier classes of D, E, F, I, S, T. These use digital circuits and pulse width modulation (PWM) to constantly switch the signal between “fully-ON” and “fully-OFF”, like a switch, driving the output device completely into either its saturation (fully on) and cut-off (fully off) regions.
Audio Amplifier Classes.
The most commonly used amplifier classes are those found in audio amplifiers, and are listed below. It is these types of amplifier classes we will look at here in more detail.
- Class A
- Class B
- Class AB
- Class D
- Classes G&H
- Classes I&T
The different circuitry techniques used by each audio class of amplifier impacts both its distortion and in particular its efficiency. The term efficiency refers to the amplifiers ability not to generate lots of heat when creating the amplified signal. Class A amplifiers have the worst heat efficiency, where as Class D amplifiers have the best heat efficiency. Class A amplifiers have the lowest distortion performance, while Class B amplifiers have the worst distortion performance.
Note that all classes can be created by all types of active devices to include:
- Bi-Polar junction transistors – BJT
- Field Effect Transistors – FET (MOSFET/JFET)
- Valves – Triode, Tetrode, Pentode
All the above amplifier classes are used in the design of power amplifiers. Only Class A amplifiers are used for voltage amplification as these designs require little current and therefore generate little heat. They have excellent linearity and therefore extremely low distortion.
Class A
The simplest of all voltage and current amplifiers is the single ended Class A. It uses a single device and is always turned on, irrespective of the input signal. These amplifiers have outstanding linearity and therefore very low distortion but very poor power efficiency as was seen earlier. This accounts for the class being used almost exclusively for pre-amplifiers or the voltage amplification input stage in power amplifiers in either single ended or push-pull designs.

Class A Amplifier
A MONO 100 watt Class A power amplifier would create at least 200 watts of heat even when not being driven. This is why Class A power amplifiers are generally lower power, up to 50 watts, and are very expensive.
Class B
These amplifiers behave in the exactly opposite manner to Class A. They are designed as a push-pull pair and each device only turns on for its half of the incoming signal, or 180 degrees. No input, no output and therefore no current is drawn, So they are quite efficient and produce a lot less heat.

Class B (Push-Pull) Amplifier
In the very simplified design shown the top NPN transistor only conducts during the positive part of the signal, while the lower PNP transistor only conducts during the negative half of the incoming signal. The problem with this simple design is that as the incoming signal gets close to switching from one device to the other these very low voltage levels are driving the devices over very non-linear parts of their characteristics. This produces very high levels of distortion known as Crossover Distortion, and sounds terrible.
Pure Class B amplifiers are therefore never used for commercial audio applications. However, with a very small change to the design, crossover distortion can be virtually eliminated. This is Class AB.
Class AB
Class AB amplifiers are class B amplifiers in which a small continuos current flows through both devices at all times. This effectively biases them into Class A. So for low signal levels the amplifier appears as Class A, but as the signal increases in level, only each half handles the larger level signal. By adujusting the standing bias current through the two devices an optimal level can be selected that minimises crossover distortion and and does not creat too much heat. However the corossover distortion can never be completely removed, just reduced to an inaudable level.

Class AB (Push-Pull) Amplifier
Typical bias currents are 50-100mA, so in the above example a Class AB amplifier would not produce more than about 4-8 watts of heat. Despite this low quiescent heat generation these amplifiers still require extensive cooling when driven to their maximum designed power levels due to the high currents and attendant voltage drops across each output device (or set of output devices). Many commercial audiophile power amplifiers use this class.
The bias point for a class AB amplifier is quite critical in order to minimize the crossover distortion. Unfortunately the devices and components used to achieve this change their characteristics and they become warm. This causes the biasing to become non-optimal and results in increased crossover distortion. There are many clever ways to minimize this effect using various negative coefficient and positive coefficient devices, and types of negative and positive feedback to continually monitor and adjust the bias level.
Designed in 1975, the infamous Quad 405 power amplifier used a technique called Current Dumping. This design uses a low power pure Class A voltage amplifier to create the voltage waveform, while off-loading the high current demands to a pair of complimentary Class B power transistors.
This technique eliminates the problems of crossover distortion, bias current adjustment, thermal tracking and transistor matching. The design has no internal adjustments or alignments and the choice of power transistor types is less restrictive. A truly innovative power amplifier design!

Simplified Current Dumper Power Amplifier Schematic
For those electronics and audiophile enthusiasts here is the schematic of the well respected Leak TL50 Plus valve power amplifier. It runs in Class AB ultra linear mode.

Leak TL50 Plus Valve Power Amplifier – Full Schematic
V1 – Low noise voltage pre-amplifier – pentode
V2 – Dual triode phase splitter to drive the upper and lower power pentodes
V3/V4 – Class AB power amplifier pentodes in ultra linear mode. (Ultra linear mode involves connecting the screen grid of the pentode to taps on the output transformer. Its purpose is to improve the linearity of the valve and therefore reduces its output distortion.)
Class D
These amplifiers are a completely different type of design to Classes A and B. They are sometimes referred to, incorrectly, as digital amplifiers. A more correct term is a switching amplifier, but they are still analog amplifiers having very high efficiencies of almost 100%. Why? Because the output devices are either turned fully on or fully off and do not have a high current and associated high voltage drop across them, so dissipate very little power and therefore create very little heat.
Class D amplifiers usually use MOSFETS for the main power amplification stage and use a technique called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). The incoming signal is used to rapidly turn the output devices on and off at speeds much higher than the highest audio frequency, for durations that are a function of the volume of the signal. This produces a square wave pulse train that is then low pass filtered to re-create the analog power signal.

Very Simplified Class D Switching Mode Power Amplifier
These amplifiers provide a sound quality that is almost indistinguishable from well designed class AB amplifiers and are used to drive almost all subs and many professional studio active speakers. Their main disadvantage is the complexity and cost of the low pass filters and extensive screening that must be deployed to prevent the high frequency electromagnetic radiation/interference from getting out of the amplifier and into other audio components.
Classes G & H
The class G&H techniques can be applied to both Class A and Class AB amplifiers. Both classes adjust the power supply rail voltage according to the level of the incoming signal. The effect is to reduce heat and increase the amplifiers efficiency. However, there is a notable increase in the complexity of the power supply design and its control, thereby increasing cost. This maybe offset by the reduction in size of the amplifier and its associated heat sinks etc.
Class G amplifiers make two or more pairs of supplies available to the output devices which can be discretely switched between and/or modulated up and down according to the level of the incoming signal.

Very Simplified Class G Power Amplifier
Class H amplifiers use just one dual power supply whose voltage is changed either in discrete steps or modulated up and down according to the level of the incoming signal.

Very Simplified Class H Power Amplifier
The effect of both techniques is a significant improvement in efficiency and depending upon the design may improve the maximum current delivery to the speaker.
Other Amplifier Classes
Class C
A Class C voltage or power amplifier, is an amplifier where the active device conducts for less than one half cycle of the input signal. You might think that is useless, not so. Conducting for less than one half cycle, or less than 180 degrees, causes very high efficiency, typically 90%+, but produces enormous distortion. This is why the class cannot be used for audio.
Class C amplifiers are most commonly used in RF (Radio Frequency) designs where they act as oscillators, frequency multipliers or tuned frequency amplifiers. The distorted amplification of the incoming waveform produces lots of high frequency harmonics together with the incoming fundamental frequency. The use of an L/C tuned circuit in the output stage allows for the retrieval of a perfect waveform or a multiple of it.

Class C RF Amplifier & Associated Conduction (Turn On) Angle
Class E & F
Classes E and F are similar to Class C, and feature RF amplifier topologies that use LC tuned circuits. This class of amplifier tends to be used at RF frequencies at VHF and microwave frequenceies, where as Class C tends to be used at RF frequencies below 100MHz. The difference between Class E and Class C amps is the active device becoming a switch, rather than operating in the linear portion of its transfer characteristic.
Class F amplifiers are similar in design to Class E amplifiers, but use a more complex load network that helps improve the impedance match between the load and the switch. This design topology also helps eliminate the input signal’s even harmonics, so the switching signal is more nearly a square-wave which improves efficiency as the switch runs at saturation or cutoff for a longer periods.
These amplifiers are capable of high efficiencies of more than 90%.
Class I
Class I, also known as BCA (Balanced Current Amplifier) or (I)nterleaved PWM amplifier, is similar in operation to a switching mode (Class D) amplifier. It is Crown’s patented technique that gets more power out of an amplifier with less heat dissipation.
This audio amplifier has two sets of complementary output switching devices arranged in a parallel push-pull configuration, with both sets of switching devices being driven by the same input waveform. One device switches the positive half of the waveform, while the other switches the negative half similar to a Class B amplifier. The PWM switching signals, which can be in excess of 250KHz, are said to be interleaved at the output, giving the amplifier its name: “interleaved PWM amplifier”.
Class S
A Class S power amplifier is a non-linear switching mode amplifier similar in operation to the Class D amplifier. This amplifier converts analogue input signals into digital square wave pulses using a delta-sigma modulator, and amplifies them to increases the output power before finally being demodulated by filtering. As the digital signal of this switching amplifier is always either fully “ON” or “OFF”, efficiencies of almost 100% are possible.
These amplifiers are typically used for amplification of audio frequencies where high efficiencies and powers are required to amplitude modulate radio transmitters to efficiently generate high power double-sideband AM Radio signals.
Class T
Class T was a registered trademark for a switching (Class D) audio amplifier, used for Tripath’s amplifier technologies.
These amplifiers are becoming more popular these days as an audio amplifier design. This is in part due to the availability of digital signal processing (DSP) chips and the increase in multi-channel surround sound amplifiers, as it converts analogue signals into digital pulse width modulated (PWM) signals for amplification, increasing the amplifiers efficiency. Class T amplifier designs combine the low distortion of Class AB amplifiers and the power efficiency of Class D amplifiers.
These designs use a Class-D amplifier combined with proprietary techniques to control the frequency of the pulse width modulation, in real time, depending upon the input and output signals. This is claimed to provide higher efficiencies and better performance than other Class-D amplifier designs.
Audio Amplifier Technical Specifications
There are several basic, and some not so basic, technical specifications that help define the performance of an amplifier.
Basic parameters would include;
- Gain or amplification.
- Input voltage level sensitivity.
- Overload margin.
- Output voltage.
- Power output.
- Frequency response. (Bandwidth)
- Hum and noise.
- Channel separation.
- Distortion:
- Harmonic (THD)
- Intermodulation (IMD)
- Transient (TIMD)
- Damping factor. (Power amplifiers only)
More advanced parameters would include:
- Input and output impedance. (resistance and capacitance)
- Phase response.
- Group delay.
- Stability.
- Input/output type (balanced or unbalanced)
- Slew rate
- Rise time.
- Settling time.
- DC output offset.
- Dynamic headroom
A detailed and meaningful discussion of the above specifications would require several text books, of which there are many. So in the interests of brevity I shall leave that research to the reader.
With audiophile amplifiers many of the above parameters will be equal to each other, or at least very close. Unfortunately these parameters are just a starting point for the audiophile. With modern day state of the art designs now providing performance parameters that stretch the abilities of measuring equipment, they no longer, in themselves, totally define what an amplifier will sound like. So there is nothing to beat listening to the amplifier in the system of your choice in order to determine if it sounds the way you want it to.
Audio Voltage Amplifiers or Pre-Amplifiers
Audio voltage amplifiers are designed to increase the level of the incoming signal voltage with little regard to its ability to deliver much current. Its primary purpose is to amplify the voltage level of the incoming signal to that required to drive the power amplifier. Preamplifiers cannot deliver any significant current to the device that it feeds. They generally feed power amplifiers whose input impedance maybe as low as 600ohms or as high as 100K ohms. In either case the amount of input current required by the power amplifier is very small, typically less than a few milliamps. Even for a signal level of 60 volts peak and an input impedance of 600 ohms a voltage amplifier would not be required to deliver more than 100 milliamps (0.1 amps). As most power amplifiers do not require much more than a few volts to deliver maximum power output, currents of only a few milliamps are required from the pe-amp even by 600ohm inputs. Fortunately, most power amplifier inputs present a purely resistive load having little capacitive or inductive characteristics. Input impedances that vary with frequency can impact the technical performance of the amplififer driving them. This is a complex topic and shall not be dealt with here.
All audio voltage or pre-amplifiers are designed to provide the lowest distortion possible. This generally requires the exclusive use of Class A amplifiers that can provide well below 0.001% harmonic distortion at output line level voltages well in excess of 1 volts rms, from 5 Hz to 50KHz.

Radford ZD22 Class A Line Amplifier

Typical Audiophile Voltage Amplifier Frequency Response

Audiophile Pre-Amplifier THD at 1 Volt RMS Output
Some amplifiers, like the Radford ZD22 and Lentek, use a push-pull Class A design achieving vey low distortion and providing high output voltage swings for increased overload margins, as may be found in their cartridge pre-amplifier designs. A push-pull design is one where each half of the output stage handles the upper and lower halves of the incoming signal respectively. It uses two devices of opposite type and are usually referred to as a complementary pair. Both having the same characteristics, but using opposite polarity voltage supplies. Although still Class A, its very low current requirements do not produce any heat, nor does it suffer from the distortion issues described above in Class B or AB push-pull amplifiers.

Simplified Radford ZD22 RIAA Pre-Amplifier

Lentek Moving Coil Head Amplifier – Full Schematic
The early design of voltage amplifiers using discrete components and available semiconductors was challenging. However, with modern integrated circuits and their integration with modern discrete components, the design of voltage amplifiers is now state of the art. There are undoubtably audible differences between various designers circuitry configurations and implementations, but at the audiophile level those differences are becoming increasingly subtle.
Audio Power Amplifiers
Audio power amplifiers are designed to drive loudspeakers whose impedance (resistance) is low, over a wide range of frequecies, typically 10Hz to 50KHz, at extremeley low distortions, typically 0.005%. This requires the amplifier to simultaneously deliver large voltage swings and lots of current. If we assume a typical power amplifier of 100 watts driving a purely resistive 8 ohm speaker (very rare) with a pure sign wave (also very rare), its peak output voltage must exceed +/- 40 volts at +/-5 amps peak. Real speakers do not have fixed impedances of 8 ohms and can vary between 2 ohms and 20 ohms. MUCH worse than that, a speaker is NOT purely resistive, and are said to have an impedance. Impedance is the AC equivalent to DC resistance. Unfortunately, this means that the speaker causes the power amplifier to have to provide voltage and power peaks that are not in phase, as the speaker ‘behaves’ as a capacitive and/or inductive load. This type of non-linear power demand can reek havoc on a power amplifiers technical performance. It is one of the issues that can make what appears on paper to be two technically identical power amplifiers, sound different. In order to support these varying load conditions modern 100 watt power amplifiers need to provide voltages as high as +/-50 volts with peak currents as high as +/- 12 amps.
Depending upon the class of the amplifier the heat generated by these amplifiers can be very high and require huge heat sinks, fans and large arrays of active devices. A pure Class A 100watt power amplifier would need to consume 2.5 amps at 80 volts, even when not driving an 8 ohm speaker. This would involve dissipating over 200 watts of heat. It is clear from this that those 1, 2 and 3KW sub amps are therefore not Class A, being designed around Class D.

Basic Class AB Power Amplifier Schematic
Clearly the efficiency of the power amplifier is very important, and is one of the primary features the designer will take into account when choosing a class for a specific application and market.
My 2 Cents
So in conclusion what do we buy? That is the million dollar question, and we haven’t even touched upon wether BJT, FET or valve amplifiers sound better (different) when compared to each other. I have owned all classes of power amplifier and hand built many of them. Even at the audiophile level there are real audible differences between the various designs and types of output devices. This is true for both voltage (pre-amplifiers/receivers) and power amplifiers.
To make things much more complex most modern multi-channel pre-amps use enormous amounts of digital signal processing as do some power amps. The conversion of analog signals to and from digital is not transparent and this process can easily hide subtleties between analog designs, giving the amplifier its own characteristic ‘digital’ sound.
In my experience, and with state of the art power amplifier designs, these audible differences often come down to the way the amplifiers interact with the complex impedances of the speaker load and just how well the amplifier can maintain its peak and full power without increased distortions and loosing its damping factor. Methods, types and amounts of feedback deployed within the amplifier and overall design topology has real impacts on the amplifiers behavior when driving these complex loads. Cost effective all analog power amplifiers that sounded great to me included; the Quad 405, Leak TL50 Plus and the Denon AVR5803. Recently I have moved to using all active Genelec studio speakers. Being mounted within the speaker, these, just like my SVS subs, use Class D power amplifiers due to their efficiency and low heat creation. They do however tend to have a more clinical and ‘harder’ sound than my original all classically linear analog system using the Quad 405 and Leak TL50 bi-amped arrangement driving passive speakers.
For decades, and until my migration to multi-channel sound to support movies, I used the discontinued stereo Radford ZD22. I have auditioned various other audiophile pre-amplifiers but always found that the Radford met my needs. Right up their with the Radford, is the now discontinued Denon AVP A1 HDCI with its all balanced, all analog audio chain. It’s an outstanding integration of analog and digital techniques for both stereo and multi-channel listening and currently forms the center piece for my A/V room.
So what do we all do? I said it before. If you can get the amplifier on approval, do so, and listen to it in your system.
Want to know more about the semiconductors, transistors and tubes that go into these amplifiers designs? Please read these posts:
For those looking for a more detailed technical introduction to many aspects of amplifier design, click here for Electronics Tutorials.