Search Results for : phono preamplifier

Mission 778X Stereo Integrated Amplifier – New Product This post contains affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure here. All Image Credit: Mission Hailing from Cambridgeshire, England, Mission are well known for their famed range of audiophile speakers, but in 1983 they also manufactured and sold their first and only Mission […]

Mission 778X Stereo Integrated Amplifier – New Product

Conrad-Johnson ART108A Power Amplifier – Quick Look All Image Credit: Conrad-Johnson I always loved the sound from my pair of Leak TL50 Plus, ultra-linear, mono power amplifiers. They use 2 x KT88 vacuum tubes operating as beam tetrodes in Class AB providing 50 watts into 8 ohms, and I always […]

Conrad-Johnson ART108A Power Amplifier – Quick Look

Monoprice Tube Amplifiers - First Look
Monoprice Tube Amplifiers – First Look Introduction The tube amplifier has seen a resurgence in recent years due to the warm, pleasing sound that only a tube amplifier can offer. The Monoprice Pure Tube Amplifier, shown above, utilizes four EL84 tubes for the power output stage and three 6N3 tubes […]

Monoprice Tube Amplifiers – First Look

Analog Amplifiers. Are You Sure?
Analog Amplifiers. Are You Sure? A Pause for Thought You wanted an all analog signal chain for stereo or even multi-channel sound……well think again! When you buy your new ‘analog’ amplifier or home theater receiver, ask yourself, how analog is it? In order to build cost-effective amplifiers and receivers manufacturers […]

Analog Amplifiers. Are You Sure?

McIntosh C2700 Valve & Semiconductor Pre-Amplifier
McIntosh C2700 Valve & Semiconductor Pre-Amplifier Cutting edge digital music capabilities combined with time tested vacuum tube performance – enter the McIntosh C2700 Valve & Semiconductor Pre-Amplifier. A Little Background About This Highly Revered Audiophile Company. Based in Binghamton, NY with over 150 employees, McIntosh Laboratory, founded in 1949, continues to […]

McIntosh C2700 Valve & Semiconductor Pre-Amplifier

Musical Fidelity MX-VYNL Phono Amplifier Review Overview The MX-VYNL is a fully balanced, high performance phono stage, able to operate with many moving coil or moving magnet cartridges. With both traditional RCA inputs and XLR fully balanced connections it can be connected to 2 turntables simultaneously. The MX-VNYL offers a […]

Musical Fidelity MX-VYNL Review

Amplifier Classes-A Quick Primer Course                   Introduction So, we all need them, what are they? They, are amplifiers. They come in two different basic types for audio: Voltage amplifier: Head amplifier for very low level signals found in moving coil cartridges – […]

Amplifier Classes-A Quick Primer Course

Integra DRX-R1.1 and DRC-R1.1 11.2-Channel Atmos AV Receivers 1
Integra DRX-R1.1 and DRC-R1.1 11.2-Channel Atmos AV Receivers Introduction After building all my preamps and power amplifiers for decades, I was finally seduced by Onkyo Integra way back in the 80’s when I purchased my first stereo pre/power amplifier, an Onkyo Integra A-8190. Integra was founded as a sub-division of […]

Integra DRX-R1.1 and DRC-R1.1 11.2-Channel Atmos AV Receivers