Rega Nd7 MM Cartridge Announced – Quick Look

Rega Nd7 MM Cartridge Announced – Quick Look

Rega Nd7 MM Cartridge Announced - Quick Look

All Image Credit: Rega

Following the recent launch of the Nd3 and Nd5, Rega have announced the top of the range Nd7 moving magnet cartridge. The Rega Nd7 is the new flagship and final model of this new range of handmade moving magnet cartridges. It too will be available factory-fitted to the Planar 6 and Planar 8 turntables at a discounted rate compared to being purchased separately. Identified by its clear yellow cover, this cartridge is fitted with an aluminum cantilever that carries a precision ‘Fine Line nude diamond’ stylus. A stylus that has previously been reserved for use in their high-end Apheta3 and Aphelion 2 moving coil designs.

Rega Nd7 MM Cartridge Announced - Quick Look

Each Nd7 is hand made by Rega technicians using a brand-new generator geometry to achieve accurate channel balance and an optimized pole gap. Its Neodymium N55 magnet is claimed to be the worlds most powerful and sits within miniaturized parallel coils which are wound in-house, utilizing 38-micron wire with just 1275 turns. This produces a low inductance, low impedance generator giving improved high frequency response, and according to Rega a wider sound stage.

Rega Nd7 MM Cartridge Announced - Quick Look

The Nd7 is available either by itself or factory fitted on the Planar 6 and Planar 8 turntables at a reduced package price.

Features At A Glance:

  • Fine line nude diamond profile
  • Aluminum cantilever
  • Neodymium magnet
  • Unique generator
  • Rega 3 point mounting system
  • Highly rigid lightweight PPS body
  • Handmade stereo cartridge
  • Available factory fitted on the Planar 6 and Planar 8 turntables
  • Lifetime warranty against manufacture defects


  • Nominal Output Voltage 5-6mV
  • Stylus Fine line nude diamond profile
  • Fixing 3 point fixing
  • Coils Miniaturized parallel coils
  • Window Color Yellow
  • Tracking pressure 1.75g


  • UK: £450.00

For more information visit the Rega web site.

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