Search Results for : passive speakers

My Home Theater: The Acoustic Discoveries, Changes and Upgrades.
Let’s recap where I was at this point. Overall I was sort of pleased with the rooms performance, but definitely not thrilled, and several issues had to be resolved. There was too much HVAC air and it cooled the room far too fast. This was a result of installing an […]

My Home Theater: The Acoustic Discoveries, Changes and Upgrades.

My Home Theater: Initial Acoustic Tests, Design and Acoustic Treatments
Now we have seen how the room was built, let’s review my home theater initial acoustic tests, design and acoustic treatments. Once the shell was complete and the doors installed and sealed I decided to see how the isolation performed, and what the rooms decay characteristics were like in its […]

My Home Theater: Initial Acoustic Tests, Design and Acoustic Treatments

Vinyl for those who might not know are LP’s or albums. 12″ of old fashioned joy, spinning at 33 and 45RPM. Here is an overview of my original and current vinyl replay equipment: Thorens TD160 Super turntable and Hadcock GH228 Super arm – (seven ball pivot bearing) Phoenix Engineering Roadrunner speed […]
