Orchard Audio Adds Active Input Option To Ultra Stereo Amps

Orchard Audio Adds Active Input Option To Ultra Stereo Amps

Orchard Audio Adds Active Input Option To Ultra Stereo Amps

All Image Credit: Orchard Audio

Orchard Audio now offers a built-in input upgrade to its top range of Starkrimson Ultra Stereo Amps adding an active RCA input option. Revision 2.0 has now been revised to revision 2.5 with the addition of the built-in active RCA-to-XLR converter. This allows the amplifiers to be used with both single-ended (RCA) and balanced (XLR) sources, meaning that with this upgrade the amplifier is now fully balanced even when using single ended unbalanced sources.

Orchard Audio Adds Active Input Option To Ultra Stereo Amps

The amplifiers gain remains at 19dB when used with its original XLR input. However, when used with the new active RCA input its overall gain is raised to 27dB.

This installed option is also available from their web site as a separate product for $299.95, see here.

Active converters like this one have the advantage that they are DC coupled and do not suffer from any of the technical issues associated with unbalancing an XLR input or transformer coupling issues.

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