If you, the reader, are to have any idea as to the validity of any of my reviews, in particular BluRays and vinyl, yes I am a real vinyl enthusiast (with an original turntable and all!), you should first have a detailed view of my listening and viewing environment that I purpose built and the hardware that is use to listen to and watch this media.
The purpose of the room was to create an environment that allowed me to listen to the quality of a recording in a similar way that you do in a studio control room, but without hurting your wallet too much. It was originally set up to support all the then current music and video formats. It does not currently support the latest immersive sound formats such as Dolby Atmos, DTS X and Auro-3D, and to be honest I am not too sure if it ever will; only time will tell (and my bank account).
Click here a description of my A/V room design and construction!
Here is a quick view of my A/V room.