Conrad-Johnson ART Phono Stage – Quick Look

Conrad-Johnson ART Phono Stage – Quick Look

Conrad-Johnson ART Phono Stage - Quick Look

All Image Credit: Conrad-Johnson

American high-end audiophile company, Conrad-Johnson of Fairfax, VA, has just released their reference ART phono preamplifier, at a price that is not for the “faint of heart”. Designed for use with the ART88, or any other audiophile preamplifier, this new phono stage is designed in a dual mono concept, in which the two channels only share a common power transformer and chassis.

Each channel of the ART phono consists of two triode gain stages utilizing paralleled sections of 12AX7A twin-triode tubes coupled to the output through a buffer stage incorporating paralleled sections of a 12AU7/6189 twin-triodes for low output impedance. Each channel is provided with two independent discrete regulated DC power supplies, one for the input gain stage and one for the second gain stage and buffer stage.

Conrad-Johnson ART Phono Stage - Quick Look

Rear panel connectivity is all via unbalanced RCA connections that support two phono inputs and one phono output. Phono 1 supports either a fixed load of 47.5 kΩ and 53 dB gain, or is optionally available with a step-up transformer for 63 dB gain into a 46 Ω load. Phono 2 provides 53 dB of gain and has variable capacitive (20pF to 956pF) and resistive loads (147 Ω to 47K5 kΩ) using the rear panel DIP switches.

Each of the channels phono stages circuitry are assembled on separate PCB’s and use Conrad-Johnson proprietary CJD Teflon capacitors and Vishay metal foil resistors both throughout the audio circuits and the regulated plate voltage power supply. RCA connectors are made from oxygen-free copper (OFC), silver plated and then rhodium flashed.

Finally the casework is manufactured from a heavy gauge aluminum in order to reduce noise, interference and microphonic effects.


  • Phono 1:
    • Gain 53db, load fixed 47K5 Ω
    • Gain 63db, load fixed 46 Ω – (with step-up transformers)
  • Phono 2:
    • Gain 53db, load variable 147 Ω to 47K5 Ω – load variable 20pf to 956pf
    • Hum and Noise: <500uv
  • Phase: phase correct
  • Output Impedance: <200 Ω
  • Mechanical:
    • Dimensions: 16″D x 18.75″W x 5.44″H
    • Net Weight: 31 lb net


250 pieces beginning September 2023



  • $28,000.00
  • $30,000.00 with optional step-up transformer

For more information visit the Conrad-Johnson web site.
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