Bluesound Integrates DIRAC Live Into Select Products

Bluesound Integrates DIRAC Live Into Select Products

Bluesound Integrates DIRAC Live Into Select Products

All Image Credit: DIRAC

DIRAC and Bluesound have recently announced a partnership to bring DIRAC’s highly regarded Live room-correction EQ processing to a number of select Bluesound enabled products. According to Bluesound the products, which are mostly yet be announced, will come ready to handle DIRAC Live with the purchase of a Dirac Live license from the DIRAC website. A suitable calibration kit will be made available on the Bluesound web site as soon as the DIRAC enabled products start to immerge. Bluseound is also said to be looking into the possibility of adding DIRAC Live to some existing products.

DIRAC Live room correction is a well regarded room equalization system that corrects for both the magnitude and phase errors of the entire sound system, including the room, in order to achieve a more transparent, balanced sound, with tighter bass, improved staging, and enhanced clarity. Thus providing any living space; the living room, kitchen, bedrooms, basements etc. the opportunity to reproduce high-fidelity audio reproduction together with the convenience of streaming.

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